Soccerobics 2007

The Gift Of Soccerobics
Cardiovascular Training
Plyometric Training
Core Strengthening
Foot speed
Technical Soccer Exercises
Eye/Hand Coordination
Eye/Foot Coordination (Soccer oriented practice)
Explosive Training (Speed Training)
Overall Fitness
Eye | Hand | Foot | (Coordination)
Balance Control
"The ability to develop new and sophisticated curriculums that our staff can use to get maximum production out of our students has been a very intricate part of The Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy's reputation for being the best player development school in The United States. At CGSA we first encourage each student to "Embrace The Greenwood Mentality". We "Put Passion In The Process". Each one of our students learn how to better themselves both as a person and player each and every day. Our students take responsibility for the required work to advance their levels and allow much more opportunity to become the best version of themselves." "Ultimately becoming a better teammate, better son or daughter, and a better leader of their community. Ultimately becoming the best version of themselves."
- Clint Greenwood
Director, Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy LLC
Owner and Founder, The Greenwood Method
Why CGSA Integrates Technical Ball Skills and Athleticism To Every Program
"At The Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy every exterior component has to permanent nature to be a top level Footballer. What that means is athleticism, technical ability, and game sense are components that any professional manager, or coach can assess, and then allow their evaluation to be measured by the visual components we just listed and their personal style and opinion be their final grade. With that being said too many coaches in America do not cover every aspect of Soccer, in fact most don't, and what little experience and knowledge they do have is based solely on size, speed, athleticism, and of course winning.
At CGSA our system is based on The Greenwood Method and is implemented in all programs and in any CGSA event all over the world. Player Development and the 6 Steps To Success break down the components of a professional footballer, and to be great you also have to understand body coordination with the ball at your feet, along with the dynamic athleticism. Including; balance, agility, lower & upper suppleness, fast twitch, explosive speed, strength & endurance, and mental speed & awareness separates the good players from great players.
The Greenwood Method has developed many different drills focusing on being different, but being very fundamental in every Soccer skill, but using every skill with beautiful style and confidence. Soccerobics allows players to be second nature with the Soccer Ball and it shows when they are with their teams, not only being a successful team member, but with the obvious flair, confidence, and swag that can only be taught at The Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy."
- CGSA Staff Member