Clint Greenwood


CGSA Main Objective

The business Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy is a step by step system that succeeds through innovative progression. The Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy various training and coaching programs offer an intense and demanding program aimed to develop and prepare serious Soccer players of all ages and abilities to Surpass Their Best and proceed to learn how to live their Soccer Education lives by utilizing every available tool to better themselves as people and footballers. At CGSA we teach each student how to take responsibility for their development and their path on creating a better version of themselves.

The Academy will provide effective, safe and transparent overall human performance training based on their levels combined with Soccer specific intense technical performance enhancement created by Director, to develop athletes to the peak of their potential. CGSA hires diverse experts to support youth, amateur and elite athletes with a full-circle approach including The Greenwood Method's 6 Steps To Success Overall Outline of an Elite Soccer player in today's game. The Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy has perfected the art and science of athletic training, from elite players to young players learning The Greenwood Method of Ball Mastery.

Each day through embracing The Greenwood Method Mentality the students will be more focused, on achieving their everyday goal of finding how to become a developing student that uses SMART Goals to achieve Maximum effort required to be Great. At CGSA they will then mature by taking responsibility for the work required to achieve those goals.

The program Director has created a nonstop evolving, and improving system called the Greenwood Method that has earned a reputation of being one of the best technical teaching programs that can be catered to all levels from young club players, all the way to World Cup players, getting sharp right before the big event. The Director of the Program, Clint Greenwood has dedicated his life to make a difference in aspiring young Footballers, and do so through the Soccer with the values that they stand by in every interview, practice, meeting, video analysis, Soccer-obics class, Continuum Class, match play, or lunch break. The Academy's Director and Staff welcome you to our Education - Based - Soccer - Training Schools.


CGSA strives each day with energy and faith to better this world with more skillful and entertaining Soccer players. The Academy began with the belief that world football lost that, and Director Clint Greenwood in-visioned the artistry of the beautiful game coming back, and even better than it was before. At CGSA we offer the student body technical training at the highest level of both standard, and difficulty, but not without love and professionalism. The Soccer Educational and Developmental program called; Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy through grace, skill, love, intelligence, knowledge, wisdom, and Faith in CGSA philosophy mainly named The Greenwood Method will dedicate the programs complete efforts on gaining education in all facets, including life skills and training professionally. These different components are vital in living up to an Authentic Program which Coach Greenwood strives to uphold, and better the program each in everyday by authentically Surpassing it's best as a Soccer Training Program just as The Greenwood Method Mentality remains the system that teaches their student body the right attitude and mindset of when he played professional many years ago. Here are the main objectives that CGSA Coaching Staff pursues great success in comprehension in every teaching program.

1.) Provide a great work environment and treat each other with respect and dignity. At CGSA we strive to have a comfortable atmosphere for learning the game of Football.

2.) Embrace diversity as an essential component in the way we do business. As Soccer is still very new to most American parents, so when a parent or guardian has a question the Director and Staff make sure they don't feel uneducated of the topic or technical detail being discussed.

3.) Apply the highest standards of excellence to the purchasing, of our Soccer Education and Development Program. CGSA are firm believers that the majority do want the highest level of training, even if many of the consumers eyes are relatively new, but with the up most professionalism, care, love and empathy, but with our motto of patience and perseverance the end product is Soccer teaching, and we don't fail. "We cannot accomplish all that we need to do without working together".

4.) Develop enthusiastically satisfied customers all of the time. It truly makes for a special environment for learning and a positive work place for the coaching staff. As the Director of CGSA I remind my staff, that we as coaches learn just as much from the student’s different personalities and temperaments. So, it is a conscious effort to arrange good facilities, equipment, training gear, balls etc. so the student can have the best opportunity for developing at the level the Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy can produce.

5.) Contribute positively to our communities and our environment. At CGSA we believe that Soccer has gave us so much over our lifetime. So CGSA extends their gratitude to their local communities with different programs like; mini clinics for young boys and girls who might not be able to attend, so we conduct a mini clinic free of cost. Some of our programs such as; guest coaches, Autograph sessions with big name players, Special Skill Demos by current professionals, and gift bags handed out to local communities and Rec Soccer leagues all are amazing smiling events for the Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy.

6.) CGSA does recognize that profitability is essential for our existence in the future, so the programs is a hard-working unit of great respect for the game of Football. With upholding their belief in "Customer Service, we stand for adamantly, because if the consumer pays for a class for 1 hr. scheduled session, we give them a 1 hr and 1/2 of quantity, but with unmatched quality. The end product still remains our objective, but without sacrificing our other belief in giving them above and beyond their money's worth in product.

Authentic: Authenticity is a concept in psychology, existential psychiatry, existentialist philosophy and aesthetics. In existentialism, authenticity is the degree to which a person’s actions are congruent with his or her beliefs and desires, despite external pressures to conformity.

The Director and Staff are 100% dedicated in offering the best Soccer Skills Education available, and they strive to give it to you by means of an Authentic solution to the developmental process. Through a step by step progressive process the Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy using the Greenwood Method "Training System" will systematically mature our student's soccer abilities over our 3 Stage process of a student’s maturity timetable and development. The first stage is the learning of the Greenwood Method of skill familiarity with different technical skills that are learnt during their Soccer adolescence. Ball Mastery and the learning of different soccer moves that the world class player's use in the game is the main topic that is introduced and covered in the organized step by step process, so each student can start understanding the important components that make up a Top-Class Footballer.

By maintaining their authentic beliefs in the company's approach to teaching, our students not only tend to be very successful in Soccer, but a lot more mature when it comes to competition, work rate, responsibility, and health conscious. In our 1st Stage we call "Ole'" the student is introduced to the Greenwood Method of progressive ball handling skills and different dribbling and running with the ball skill, that is valuable to an elite player. Every level athlete need encouragement, advancement, and intelligence. The Greenwood Method was created for all 3. This enables the player to maintain skillfully sharp, which is needed for competing at a serious level. CGSA categorizes every detail of every different dribble, so the athlete can quickly identify the technical detail being taught. This is an area unmatched in Soccer Development. This method of training allows the student to paint a clear picture of the technical detail being introduced.


  • Driven: "being under compulsion, as to succeed or excel: a driven young man who was fiercely competitive."

As an educational program in sport the primary goal is to offer a safe and effective environment for the students. So, they can have a comfortable atmosphere, so each student can Maximize their learning experience. The using of S.M.A.R.T. GOALS are a very useful tool that allows our program to utilize and make the student aware of what is required to be a top athlete/soccer player. The Director and staff of CGSA proudly accepts the role of coach, trainer, teacher, psychologist, mentor, private instructor, and best friend. The S.M.A.R.T. GOALS allow the developing player to put it in realization, the process of developing and maturing both as a player/athlete, and a person. It's through this process of teaching that either enables the student to be much more DRIVEN towards achieving his/her goals, or it also allows the player/student to get a real look at where they are in ability and what they need to improve. CGSA dedicates their program to training the player's mind, so they can start training professionally.

"As The Director of Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy one of our main objectives is to teach our Academy students how to train. For all my years of experience as a professional player in the U.S., England, Wales, and Canada, the biggest obstacle to overcome for the American Soccer players is the demand level, which in turn limits the number of players that even come close to international level performance. Just the demands alone in one session in the U.K was light years ahead of the Best in the U.S. Through our dedication and loving care for each student’s psychological state, we make sure the Greenwood Method is represented in every session, meeting, match, video analysis, warm-up, and cool-down with the up most.

Purposeful "Intentiality"

Purposeful: "having or showing determination or resolve."

When people live without a purpose, they don’t have any direction. Not financially, personally, spiritually, and physically. “Everyone ends up with a purpose at some time in their lives, but not many are living their journey with a Driven Purpose. At the Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy, we are strong believers in developing an overall great Footballer by taking notice of the Great Journey every successful person goes through. However, we focus on the WHY'S AND NOT THE HOW’S so that the student clearly starts to strengthen their Soccer Computer “Football IQ" and begin to understand the advanced technical, tactical, psychological, physical, and mental aspects that are being introduced throughout their development at CGSAs various programs. Our objective is to instill the very important concept of building each student’s character. Their character as it develops and strengthens forms the paths they take in learning to be a professional Soccer player.

The Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy outlines their development philosophy based on 6 steps to success, and the 3 Stage Process that is a representation of the Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy Education Based Soccer Development Programs. To sum it up; CGSA completes every lesson plan with motivational talks, about different aspects of Soccer and Life. The more you appreciate your blessings, the harder you try to repay the grace.

The purpose of each exercise, each half-time talk, each after match meeting, and each personal one-on-one interview with a student is to create a learning environment. The knowledge alone isn't the primary goal, but the atmosphere CGSA creates is one that is challenging, and entertaining, so the student looks forward to the next session, game,

meeting, or any Soccer related event. Due to the heavy amount of challenges in creating an atmosphere to aid a Soccer Culture of professional Soccer Training with Intentiality some years are great in overall success stories of former, and current student body and some not so, but at CGSA they remain bringing Passion To The Process.

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Developed and Maintained by the CGSA Technology and Transformation Team 

Thank you,

Clint Greenwood

Owner & Founder, The Greenwood Method

Clint Greenwood Soccer Academy LLC

Office Tel: ((661) 425-4210

Official Website:

